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email_backport - modern email package for older Python versions

So I created a backport of the 4.x version (4.0.3) of the email module for Python >= 2.3.. I was working on a Plone site version 3.3.5 and creating an email sending application..

As I read on the email module's documentation page

The most recent version of the email module was not available for Python 2.4, which the site was using.

So I read up on the documentation and figured that I could create a backport of the package which is available for Plone 3.3.5.

Some moving of files and editing of the email module's file was needed, as well as a way to deal with those things in existing code that would use the backported version of the module if available.

The result is here:

And as you can see, it's the same version as the most recent 2.x version of the email package, but with a b(eta) because it hasn't been tested a lot (but seems to be working just fine).

[Later..] OK, have gotten some downloads of the package, so there is some interest for it. More downloads than I expected, which is cool.

[Permalink] [By morphex] [Python-only or > 0.5 Python related (Atom feed)] [2012 12 Apr 17:27 GMT+2]

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