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Working on a simple mailing package + MegamanicEdit Content Types and GrailTact

Hoi. So some of you might have been following my various Plone-related packages such as GrailTact & MegamanicEdit.

Well, there are some things in development now, and the content types in GrailTact are being moved to a product called Products.MegamanicEditContentTypes..

This is to refactor and generalize the modules as much as possible, as well as building a common archive of content types that can be easily used by many without repeating work here and there.

It's been a while since I've done a lot of work on these packages, and I found I was using Plone 3.3.5 and had to make some adaptations for that when creating a validator that can validate that one or more email addresses were correctly formatted for an email message..

So I ended up adding a hook at the bottom of the new validator which tries to use classImplements and handles it if an exception is raised.

I see the general trend for various Plone projects is to stay working with the most recent version of Plone, which is fine, but I think the right thing for my projects is to span two major versions, I'll see how much work and if it is worth it in the long run.

While working with the email sending application I found that the Python 2.4 version didn't have the most recent version, and that 2.5 or above did, so I ended up backporting that email package as you can read about here:

It was fun, and I think the first pure Python project I've created in a while, at least registered on PyPi.

As you can see I'm getting a bigger list of modules here:

Which is cool, it is very motivating that people are using things I've created; I think the code is pretty decent and that people find it usable is cool.

[Permalink] [By morphex] [Python, Zope, Plone - and anything loosely related to that (Atom feed)] [2012 12 Apr 17:36 GMT+2]

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