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Products.NewsPage - for powerusers

So I released Products.NewsPage to PyPi a little while ago. The story of this product is that we had a customer that wanted some customizations in the way news items were displayed, such as being able to pin a news items to one of the 3 first spots in the news listing.

A custom index_html page template was also created, and some macros were added to the NewsPage product so that one could embed news listings within a page template with custom layout.

The egg is here:

And is among other things used together with Products.StickyList to create a custom frontpage that our customer can easily update and customize.

It's a nice example of how one can hand off control of the website to the customer, giving them more value and bang for the buck.

[Permalink] [By morphex] [Python, Zope, Plone - and anything loosely related to that (Atom feed)] [2012 23 Apr 09:36 GMT+2]

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