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Are those eggs on my face? Proper development-release cycle

So, I've been working to release some packages today. In this case they are some eggs for Plone, which enable easier editing and creation of content types in Plone (see Products.MegamanicEditContentTypes).

I use PyPi for things we release to the community, and other customer sites that would like to use the same eggs get their buildout (zc.buildout) updated to fetch these packages.

Well, things kind of blew up today as I was updating the customer site which was using a more recent version of Plone than the one I was developing on, some renaming changes broke some of the templates so it ended up with a little bit of stress to get things working.

We have SVN where we track changes to the code so that's covered, but the release and distribution parts needs to be improved..

I see there is

for version numbering, and that's fine.. I guess the right thing to do is to always have code eggs in an alpha status (1.0a for example) until the code has been tested on at least one different site than what it was developed on and then after a period of time, maybe 1 week of testing and bugfixing (after alpha feature freeze), create a beta (1.0b) and again after 1 week of beta testing release a release candidate (1.0rc) and after another week, create a final release (1.0). And test the code properly on the different major platform versions.

I think it's important for us at least to have a somewhat rigid testing and release system so that users of our products can depend on the quality (freedom from show-stopping bugs) of the eggs.

How do you manage these things?

[Permalink] [By morphex] [Python-only or > 0.5 Python related (Atom feed)] [2012 18 May 11:08 GMT+2]

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