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Something that slowed me down a bit today - TinyMCE + old skin

So I got an email from a customer today, having problems with editing news articles and other HTML-content on their site. HTML content was only displayed in a text area, even though the personal settings and plone site were setup to use TinyMCE.

They were upgraded from a prior version that wasn't using TinyMCE as the default editor, so I thought something might be wrong there..

After some work, testing and so on, I finally figured out that the issue was the skin settings in portal_skins - the tinymce folder was listed way below the plone_wysiwyg folder, and then the HTML-code for the editor in the text area was fetched from Plone default, and not TinyMCE.

Pressing customize on the tinymce/wysiwyg_editor template (or something similar) and putting it in the active theme custom folder did the trick, from then on TinyMCE worked well.

Just a tip for the weekend, have a good one. :)

[Permalink] [By morphex] [Python, Zope, Plone - and anything loosely related to that (Atom feed)] [2013 01 Mar 17:34 GMT+2]

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