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100000 downloads, a significant contribution to the Python community

So, yesterday the counter for downloaded PyPi packages created by me tipped 100000 downloads, which was cool. It has been going steadily for days and months now, and it was nice to see that that magic number was surpassed.

You can see the packages here:

Most of those packages are tied to the Zope and Plone systems, but at least one package is Python-only, the email_backport package:

"The email_backport package is a wrap-up of the email > 4.x module
found in Python 2.5 and above."

I created that to be able to use mailing features across a large range of Plone versions, and it has worked fairly well.

The more I work with coding and programming, the lazier I get, should really get better at looking for right places to put code in other Python projects or as separate Python software packages, but the most important and pressing thing is to get something working and working well with the code it is supposed to run in and on..

With that thought, it would be nice if we in the Python community get some documentation and training on how to split things into packages, and maybe have some coordinators that can point people in the right direction based on the requirements that have to be fulfilled. There is a lot of redundant code and having quality over quantity is probably better in terms of quality of the code and that focus is on a smaller codebase, which would result in less bugs and maybe more documentation and so on for the projects as well.

[Permalink] [By morphex] [Python-only or > 0.5 Python related (Atom feed)] [2013 19 Apr 14:21 GMT+2]

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